News – Biewu
BIEWU sponsored 100 free air tickets for people to fly from Qatar
During the holy month of Ramadan, BIEWU sponsored 100 free tickets for people going through financial crises due to COVID -19 situations, to fly out of Qatar to their home countries Biewu is biggest supplier for Safety Products in Qatar like Mask, N95 Masks, Gloves, Sanitizer, Disinfectant products, Medical Gowns, respirators
DISINFECTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES - QATAR Contact Now : +97450825106 / +97433376501
DISINFECTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES - QATAR Contact Now : +97450825106 / +97433376501 BIEWU QATAR has started :DISINFECTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES MICROSURE : 8 HOUR Defense Hand Sanitizer ** Microbioshield ANTI-MICROBIAL SOLUTION - advanced Green product that utilizes NANO-Technology and is ready for immediate defence against all bacteria, viruses and microbes incl. : CORONAVIRUS! ANTI-BACTERIAL CLEANER DISINFECTANT (MULTIPURPOSE) Temporary Disinfectant disinfectant#services#disinfectantservices#Qatar#HandSanitizer#Coronavirus#disinfectant#covid-19#
April 2020
BIEWU International-Leading The Fight Against COVID -19 In QATAR
BIEWU QATAR Team supporting 24 X 7 in supplying Protection equipment's across Companies in Qatar strongly standing against COVID-19 safetymasks#maskinqatar#safetygloves#glovesinqatar#3M#N95#masks#surgicalmaskasinqatar#Surgical#gloves#respirators#Facemasks#halfmaskas#handsanitizerinqatar#COVID-19Kit#TestKIT#RapidTestKIT#TestKitinQATAR#COVID-19QATAR#CoronainQATAR#safetyinqatar#disctributorinqatar#coveralls#disposablegloves#disposablecoveralls#
May 2019
ADNOC Invites BIEWU International to present at the Operations & Maintenance Technical Forum
In recognition of the unique offering for Asset Lifetime Enhancement (ALE) solution; ADNOC Onshore invited BIEWU International to present the solution and services portfolio aimed at maximizing Asset and Equipment Lifetime in the Technical Forum. The audience comprised of senior management members, team leaders, technology experts and stakeholders from Asset Integrity, Reliability Assurance, O&M teams of ADNOC Onshore. The presentation was well received as thought provoking as it focussed on adding In-Country Value and Knowledge Ownership.
Aug 2019
BIEWU teams up with NorrisealWellMark (Apergy group) for valves
BIEWU proudly announces its teaming up with Norriseal Wellmark, a group company of APERGY for their valve products. The teaming up brings together the long heritage and global expertise of the NSWM team with the strong localized presence of BIEWU in the ME Region. This is in alignment with vision of BIEWU to continuously explore avenues to create value for their customers in the region.
Sep 2019
Successful launch of Bioclean GS-7600
In a fitting example of “Value Creation”, BIEWU announces the successful launch of their BIOCLEAN GS-7600 Rigwash / Degreaser. The product is an extremely effective proprietary liquid cleaner / degreaser designed for a broad range of industrial applications; with special emphasis on Offshore Rigs / Platform cleaning and Harbour maintenance. The product is completely Bio-Degradable keeping in line with our motto of protecting people, assets and environment.
Oct 2019
BIEWU teams up with Petrohab
BIEWU proudly announces its teaming up with Petrohab, for Hot Work Safety Enclosures. BIEWU has been appointed the partner for Petrohab in Doha and shall be in-charge of promoting Petrohab offerings in the State of Qatar.

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